1. Types/Styles of Communication

Pattnaik and Mishra (2014) state that non-assertive, assertive, and aggressive styles of communication may bring out different kinds of reactions among the employees, and, in turn, might influence job attitudes, work motivation and organisational effectiveness. The understanding derived from this reference is that different communication styles in managers may positively or negatively affect work relationships and the development of the business.

commsstylesassertive.pngA basic demonstration of how the types of communication link with each other. Source:http://www.marineleadershipgroup.com/assertive-versus-aggressive-communication/

I believe that assertive communication is of most benefit for Health Management Professionals. To specify, it improves the communication of a manager allowing goals to be achieved, clear respect of others shown as well as the ability to accept responsibility and compliments. This emphasised by Filipeanu and Cananau (2015) stating that assertive communication increases self-esteem, contributes to the establishment of authentic relations and a key factor for efficient communication.

With a Health Manager’s engagement to assertive communication positive outcomes occur when liaising with colleagues, superior managers or patients.  Through assertive communication, employee relations improve, which motivates and increases productivity in colleagues. A greater patient experience is achieved through assertive non-verbal communication such as voice, posture and facial expressions.

The following video demonstrates how I would use assertive communication as a Health Services Manager.




Filipeanu, D., & Cananau, M. (2015). Assertive communication and efficient management in the office. International Journal of Communication Research, 5 (3), 237-243. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.uws.edu.au/docview/1783990122?accountid=36155


Pattnaik, B., & Mishra, S. (2014). Communication style of managers: A comparative study on public and private sector. Social Science International, 30(1), 177-187. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.uws.edu.au/docview/1542686463?accountid=36155&rfr_id=info%3Axri%2Fsid%3Aprimo